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Nashville, TN, United States
Well everyone else seems to be blogging ( is that a word?)so I thought I'd give it a shot. Just musings about something that happened to me...life. Happens to the best of us though, right?

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Sad songs say so much

I love music.  I especially love a good sad song.  I've been accused in the past that I'd rather listen to

sad songs rather than happy ones and at times that has been true.  I do love a sad song.  I have around 3000

songs on my iPod and most of them are country and many of them are sad songs.  It seems as I've gotten

older I've realized you can't just call them sad songs. Even some of the songs that might sound like a happy

song really expresses  sadness of life's events as they unfold around us.  They express the emotions that

we feel at times when our words or hearts betray us.  Music will heal us when we don't feel like we'll ever be

whole again.  If you'll allow I thought I'd share some of the ones I love with you.

Two that immediately come to mind are Eric Clapton's "Tears in Heaven", he wrote it after the death of his

5 year old son it may be the most healing song I've ever heard.  The other is Vince Gill's "Come rest high on

that  Mountain"  both assure me that there's a heaven.   How could there not be with songs like that?

Then there are heartbreak songs.  We've all had our share of them.  Each of our heartbreaks are different,

sadness, loneliness, and despair all seem to surround us during these times.  Songs have always made it easier

for me through the hard times. Here are some of the ones I have loved or have loved me:

"He stopped loving her today"  George Jones  (a classic and maybe the best country song ever written)

"Being drunk's alot like loving you"  Kenny Chesney (drunk in love and drunk in loneliness is alot alike)

"How can you mend a broken heart"  Andy Gibb (he actually took his own life over a lost love)

"Annie's Song"  John Denver (if you know the story you'd realize this was a sad song)

"Tonight I wanna Cry" Keith Urban (actually Sarah's ex-husband wrote this with Keith)

Each of these songs and many others have soothed me when nothing else would help.  They always invoke

memories both good and bad.  I have several you've probably never heard of that you should listen to at least


"Who wants to live forever"  Queen (who does?)

"It's not just me"  Rascal Flatts (if you've never felt this way you've never been in love)

"Bluer than Blue" Michael Johnson ("and when you're gone I can run through the house screaming and no

one will ever hear me"  <---now that's a sad lyric)

"I'm not your blue skies anymore"  Emily West (the title says it all)

I know that there is a time coming that will need a sad song.  There always will be I suppose.  Sugarland sings

a song called "The very last Country Song", it goes like this:

But if life stayed the way it was

And lovers never fell out of love

If memories didn't last so long

If nobody did nobody wrong

If we knew what we had before it was gone

If every road led back home

This would be

The very last country song

I don't think I have anything to worry about.

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