About Me

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Nashville, TN, United States
Well everyone else seems to be blogging ( is that a word?)so I thought I'd give it a shot. Just musings about something that happened to me...life. Happens to the best of us though, right?

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas Day...

Here I sit in my living room, TBS repeatedly broadcasting "A Christmas Story" in the background, a holiday

tradition at my house.  We never watch the whole movie at once, just bits and pieces of each movie till we've

finally watched the whole movie at the end of the day.  It seems this morning that many of my friends have

been out of bed early and are stirring about checking their facebook and expressing their heartfelt wishes for a

wonderful Christmas for me and my family.  I look past the beautiful tree that my wife and her daughters so

carefully adorned through our picture windows and see the ground covered in snow.  A rare white Christmas

for us in Tennessee.  I sip a cup of coffee coaxing my body slowly to get ready for the day.  Sarah and I will

open presents later, we have already celebrated with our blended family, each similarly excited about their

gifts. Xbox, flips, makeup and clothes were gifts that were exchanged.  No Official Red Ryder Carbine-

Action Two-Hundred-Shot Range Model Air Rifle adorns the tree as we worry about eye safety and that of 

the small animals that scurry around our backyard.  Biscuit lays quietly on his bed near the door already 

having made his early morning patrol around the yard ensuring that we are safe inside the house and Black 

Bart is kept at bay.  Later we will share a meal with one of our friends and their two grown boys, it will be a 

great time as we both enjoy each others company very much.  There will be no Chinese Turkey to adorn our 

table and no songs with "bows of frowee ralalala" will be sung.  I will of course suit up and run later today 

battling the wind and cold as I do most days now.  This evening I imagine we'll have a glass of wine settle 

together on the couch and if  I've done well with the gifts perhaps I'll get one more "gift" before the day is 

completed.   I hope so. Tomorrow will come soon enough after and we'll only have 364 more days to get 

ready for Christmas again.   I hope your Christmas is so wonderful today that you'll start counting the days till 

next and if you aren't worried about eye safety that a "Official Red Ryder Carbine-Action Two-Hundred-

Shot Range Model Air Rifle" finds it's way under your tree.   You never know when they'll spot grizzly bears 

near Pulaski's Hardware store......


  1. Sounds like a great day. Merry Christmas, brother. Love you.

  2. I'm glad to see all of you family home for Christmas! Merry Christmas to you and your family. Love you too!
