About Me

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Nashville, TN, United States
Well everyone else seems to be blogging ( is that a word?)so I thought I'd give it a shot. Just musings about something that happened to me...life. Happens to the best of us though, right?

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Words we should despise or a "Yummerful" Experience

At times I think we are overwhelmed by the amount of media that we can access everyday.  We get on
Facebook, twitter, CNN, CNBC, FOX News, and then there is of course the old fashion way, books and
television.  It is overwhelming at times and we all get caught up in the mass media.  I usually am not bothered
by this.  I'm not on Facebook anymore and I've never been on twitter and I only watch TV several hours a
week.  I do read a lot of news on the Internet.  Despite all of my filtering I've become appalled by our
inability to describe any experience without using the same words over and over.  I'm serious, how many
times lately have you heard the word amazing?  That was amazing!  I'm at a football game and a receiver
made the most amazing catch I've ever seen.  Awesome.  That was awesome.  Can you believe that roller
coaster, it was awesome!  Yummy.  I despise this word.  Roast beef, sweet corn and peas, Yummy!  Just
had cupcakes from Cupcakes-R-Us, YUMMY!  My stomach literally turns when I read or hear the word
"yummy".  I've personally never tasted anything that made me say the word yummy.  I ate octopus once in
Spain that was cooked in a sauce made out of the ink it disperses when in danger.  Not yummy.  I didn't
even think not yummy.  I can't share the word I used but it was not yummy.  I once asked every older lady in
my church to make banana pudding for homecoming.  I told them all I had never tasted banana pudding
more heavenly than their banana pudding. There were 23 dishes of banana puddings laid out that day.  I ate
some out of each and every bowl.  I thanked every older lady in our church and yet yummy never crossed
my mind (God, please forgive me but I do love me some banana pudding).  I don't like wonderful either.  Everything has become wonderful.  Did you see "Abraham Lincoln, the Vampire Killer", it was wonderful  (It was not even good, much less wonderful).  I just rode in a new Lexus,it was wonderful!  If that is wonderful, your goals are not set high enough.
After giving this careful thought, I've invented a word so that we can describe mundane experiences, yet still 
maintain the dignity of the words used to describe the Pyramid of Giza, the Aurora Borealis and the Temple 
of Artemis.  It's a word that I will never use as I despise it already.  As soon as I got the word out of my 
mouth I vowed never to utter it again.  The word is "Yummerful"  that's right "Yummerful"  Yum-mer-ful: of 
a sort that causes or arouses wonder; very pleasing to the senses, especially taste.  It will become an 
instant sensation on Facebook and Twitter.  "I went to Ruth Chris Steakhouse tonight and it was 
Yummerful".  It's a perfect word for our generation.  It both conveys the idea that the food was say, 
excellent, exquisite, tasty, delectable, divine, pungent,savory, or zestful and that the experience was pleasant, 
pleasing, superb, tremendous, terrific, or stupendous.  I think this word is going to catch on instantly.  If the 
three followers of my blog use it once, then their friends use it once and their friend's friends use it once then 
in no time it'll be on Facebook and tweeted constantly.  Can you imagine a tweet from say Mitt Romney?     
"I just raised 15 million dollars to run for a job that pays only 250,000 dollars a year!"  Yummerful!  A 
Facebook post from Michele Obama?  "Today, I bought totally green cleaning supplies from Target, 
Yummerful!"   I can't contain my excitement! I can see Maroon 5 having a tour next summer and calling it 
"The Summerful of Yummerful".  What about Jared from Subway?  "Try our Yummerful sandwiches!"  The 
possibilities for the word are endless. T-shirts, bumper stickers, flair and billboards everywhere.
In just a few short months, everyone will begin to hate it as much as I do.  They'll cringe every time someone 
uses yummerful to describe an experience.  Soon only old and geeky people will use the word.  It'll make the 
"Top Ten Over Used Words List"  I can't wait!  Don't worry though I've already filed a copyright on the 
word so I'll make money every time someone uses it.  Simply Yummerful!


  1. I've missed your writings - glad you are back - I think it is yummerful!!

  2. Thanks Lisa, I missed writing them as well.

  3. I love banana pudding, too; and I'm very glad to see a new post from you!

    Now, the chances of getting Ray Clifton to use the word "yummerful" are in the negative percentages. Or yummy, wonderful, awesome, etc.
